In 2016, Daniela Reyes realized the importance of prioritizing her son, Erick Reyes’, physical fitness after his pediatrician recommended more exercise. Considering the health disparities that impact the Latin community, Erick was susceptible to settling into a sedentary lifestyle that, in later years, could lead to life-changing diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It was then that Daniela set out to find the perfect extra-curricular activity for her soon-to-be 10-year-old son to maximize his health and overall well-being.
Her initial thought was to enroll him in the Mexican folklórico dance club at his elementary school, but Erick was leaning more toward soccer. Daniela was adamant about having her son give folklórico a chance, promising he would not have to continue if he didn’t enjoy it. Although Erick wasn’t thrilled, he agreed to give it a shot, as soccer season wouldn’t start for a couple of weeks anyway. Daniela recalls him not wanting to attend the first class, which is why she was surprised when he asked her to buy him a pair of folklórico boots after returning later that same day. Consequently, he never made it to soccer. Erick’s determination and commitment to the art form were clear early on. He expressed to his mother that he wanted to take additional classes outside his school to better perfect the craft. Daniela followed up on his request and enrolled him in classes with Los Lupeños Academy. His Academy instructor was Samuel Cortez, Artistic Director for Mexican folk dance companies Los Lupeños de San José and Los Lupeños Juvenil. Samuel immediately recognized Erick’s talent, love of dance, and ability to learn quickly. He invited him to join the youth performing group, where he would dance for the next four-plus years. In the spring of 2022, shortly after turning fifteen, Erick moved up to the adult performing company. Erick continues to be a very focused, goal-setting individual with many talents, as he is also a gifted guitarist and singer. What sets folklórico aside for Erick, is its physicality. The endurance, technique, and flexibility needed to thrive at a professional performing level challenge him to improve his physical health, making him a stronger dancer and healthier individual overall. Erick is inspired by the more experienced dancers in the group and sets personal goals to close the gap between himself and those he admires. The structure and discipline of being a dancer enables him to be more organized and effectively manage the time spent between the group and school. Daniela had set out to find an extra-curricular physical activity for her pre-adolescent son. Now, at fifteen, Erick continues to thrive within the safe and healthy environment that Los Lupeños de San José provides for him. He and his family are part of a network of friends with shared values and interests. Dice Daniela,Es una diversión muy sana con amistades muy bonitas. Son niños muy buenos.
Meanwhile, Erick has created a solid fitness routine that incorporates an activity he loves which contributes to his physical, mental, and emotional health.