Thank you for attending our fifth annual FOLKLOREADA on Sunday May 5, 2024 from 12pm to 6pm in the Plaza at the School of Arts and Culture. This FREE outdoor community festival offered you an expanded mix of talented folklórico youth and adult dance groups & musicians for 6 hours of live entertainment not to mention craft vendors, food trucks, and fun!
And thank you as well for taking our brief survey. We take your comments seriously and use the information for future festival planning.
This year our 5th FOLKLOREADA was held on 5/5 which also commemorated Cinco de Mayo. This year is also Los Lupeños de San José’s 55th Anniversary and the Mexican Heritage Plaza’s 25th Anniversary! The expanded 2024 festival roster of talented artists included: Ballet Folklórico Costa de Oro, Ballet Folklórico México Vivo, Ballet Folklórico México Vivo Juvenil, Banda Imperial, BF Mexicano Fuego Nuevo Inc, Collaborative Institute of Cultural Arts of Chicago, Cuicacalli Ballet Folklórico, Danzantes del Valle, Grupo Folklórico Alika del Nayar Juvenil, Grupo Folklórico Los Laureles, Grupo Folklórico Los Laureles Juvenil, Grupo Folklórico Yolotli Guerrerense, Proyecto Folklórico de Sacramento, Tonatiuh Danzantes del Quinto Sol and Xochitl Cultural. Your hosts Los Lupeños de San José and Los Lupeños Juvenil also performed.

The 2024 FOLKLOREADA was made possible due to the generosity of our sponsors and partners as well as the collaboration of a dedicated team of volunteers. In particular, we would like to thank:

School of Arts and Culture @MHP
The nonprofit School of Arts and Culture (stewards of the Mexican Heritage Plaza in East San José) partners with nonprofit arts organizations like ours to bring cultural, educational, and entertaining events to the community.
We especially appreciated the in-kind access to the Plaza once again for our 5th FOLKLOREADA!

City of San José
Supported in part by a Festivals, Parades and Celebrations grant from the City of San José Office of Cultural Affairs.

Supported in part by an Arts Access grant from SVCreates, in partnership with the County of Santa Clara.
More Information!